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Wine Touring in Catalonia: A Sensory Escape

Welcome to the captivating world of Catalan wine tourism. AldeaMia invites you to discover an exclusive route that celebrates the richness and diversity of Catalonia’s wines. From Mont Roig del Camp to the region’s emblematic vineyards, prepare for an unparalleled gustatory adventure.

1. Mont Roig del Camp: The Ideal Starting Point

Your journey begins in Mont Roig del Camp, a picturesque village offering stunning views of Catalonia’s rolling landscapes. Here, local wines such as Garnacha and Carignan take center stage.

2. Priorat: Exceptional Terroir

A few kilometers away, Priorat awaits you. This region is famous for its powerful and complex wines. Visit renowned estates for their production of DOQ Priorat and taste wines that have given worldwide fame to this appellation.

3. Penedès: The Home of Cava

Heading to Penedès, discover the birthplace of Cava, the famous Spanish sparkling wine. The region’s vineyards offer unique tastings of Cava, accompanied by local tapas.

4. Tarragona: A Historical and Wine Journey

Continue to Tarragona, a city with a rich historical past, where sweet wines like Moscatell are produced. Vineyards here, bathed in Mediterranean sun, offer a surprising range of flavors.

5. Terra Alta: Discovering Hidden Gems

Finally, head to Terra Alta, a lesser-known but equally captivating region. The elegant whites and structured reds of this area are a well-kept secret among connoisseurs.

This wine touring route is just a taste of the wonders Catalonia has to offer. With AldeaMia, book your stay in charming accommodations and fully experience the Catalan wine routes.